What Makes CustomVue LASIK Technology Different from Standard LASIK?

If you are having LASIK, then you need to make sure you are having the best procedure for you and your vision needs. While you could have standard LASIK, the technology for a fully customized laser eye surgery does exist. Read this overview to learn what makes CustomVue LASIK different from regular LASIK.

What is CustomVue LASIK?

  • Your eye imperfections are unique to you, and—just like your fingerprints—your eyes are one of a kind. CustomVue LASIK uses specialized technology to measure the vision errors in your eyes—or in each eye—for a correction process that is as unique as you are. It is, in fact, a customized procedure.

How Does It Differ from Standard LASIK?

  • Standard LASIK is based on the eye doctor’s measurements of the patient’s visual needs, and the prescription of the glasses or contact lenses. It doesn’t, however, take into account the tiny variations from eye to eye, and can’t be as highly customized as CustomVue. CustomVue LASIK actually measures the intricacies of each eye and makes the determinations about which corrections and changes are needed to give each person the optimal vision he or she wants.

What Other Technology Makes CustomVue LASIK Different?

  • Before the CustomVue LASIK procedure, your eye specialist will use other cutting-edge technology to measure your eyes. The Wavefront technology gives the laser the exact measurements based on your eyes. Your mapping from this scan are as unique as your DNA.
  • You also can take advantage of the PreVue Lens technology, which can give you a preview of what your vision might be like after your CustomVue LASIK procedure. This can be an exciting appointment for patients anxious to know what life will be like post-surgery.

If you are interested in CustomVue or standard LASIK in Boston, visit the laser eye surgery professionals at Boston Eye Group. We offer the vision correction procedures you need for the vision of your dreams. Call us at (617) 566-0062 today for a consultation.